Privacy Policy
Updated 23rd May 2018 in line with GDPR
Who Are The Marcos Owners Club?
The Marcos Owners Club (MOC) was created in 1972 to help and support those owning or who have an interest in Marcos Cars throughout the world.
The contact address of its Secretary is 136 Lyde Green, Cradley, Halesowen, West Midland, B63 2PF, England. Email: Tel: 01384 561524.
What personal data we collect?
The MOC collects personal data from its subscribers comprising name, address, email address, telephone number, date joined, subscription paid and, where appropriate, information about the Marcos Vehicles they own, Model, Year, Registration Number, Engine Size, Colour.
What we will do with the data?
The MOC will use this data to send subscribers its quarterly journal, Marcos Torque, and electronic newsletter, Marcos Torquing. We may also use it to send you mailings relating to news. We also use your information for aggregate data analysis so that we can monitor membership numbers and location. We do not share your data with other organisations.
How we will store the data?
The MOC will store your data on a spreadsheet held by our membership secretary, which is maintained to strict standards of security and not accessible online. The equipment is maintained to a high level of security being password protected and having appropriate virus checking software installed.
How can I submit a 'Subject Access Request'?
You can submit a subject access request by writing to the MOC Secretary at the address above.
Will this privacy policy be updated?
The MOC regularly reviews its policies, including its privacy policy, and may make changes from time to time.
Mailing List
The MOC uses a third party service; MailChimp (read privacy policy and terms of use). The data is stored on secure MailChimp servers located in the European Economic Area (EEA).
We ask for a full name and email address when signing up to our mailing list.
The information you provide will be used to email you a newsletter and other relevant news and information.
We will never supply your information to third parties.
You have the option to unsubscribe from this list at any time via a link which is clearly displayed in the email.